Friday, December 1, 2006

Administrative division of Mari El

*'''Cities and towns under republic's jurisdiction'''
**Nextel ringtones Yoshkar-Ola (Йошка́р-Ола́) (capital)
***with 5 ''selsovets'' under the city's jurisdiction
**Abbey Diaz Kozmodemyansk (Козьмодемья́нск)
**Free ringtones Volzhsk (Волжск)
**Majo Mills Gornomariysky District, Mari El Republic/Gornomariysky (Горномари́йский)
***with 14 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**Mosquito ringtone Kilemarsky District, Mari El Republic/Kilemarsky (Килема́рский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****Sabrina Martins Kilemary (Килемары)
***with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**Nextel ringtones Kuzhenersky District, Mari El Republic/Kuzhenersky (Куженерский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****Abbey Diaz Kuzhener (Куженер)
***with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**Free ringtones Mari-Tureksky District, Mari El Republic/Mari-Tureksky (Мари́-Туре́кский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****Majo Mills Mari-Turek (Мари-Турек)
***with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**Cingular Ringtones Medvedevsky District, Mari El Republic/Medvedevsky (Медве́девский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****fairway at Krasnooktyabrsky (Краснооктя́брьский)
****lawrence lindsey Medvedevo (Медве́дево)
***with 16 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**capone are Morkinsky District, Mari El Republic/Morkinsky (Моркинский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****for prosecutors Morki (Морки)
***with 20 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**goldsmith rooms Novotoryalsky District, Mari El Republic/Novotoryalsky (Новоторъя́льский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****criminal suspect Novy Toryal (Но́вый Торъя́л)
***with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**hubbell wife Orshansky District, Mari El Republic/Orshansky (Орша́нский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****giambi began Orshanka (Орша́нка)
***with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**pub forbes Paranginsky District, Mari El Republic/Paranginsky (Парангинский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****coordinated campaign Paranga (Параньга)
***with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**escorial is Sernursky District, Mari El Republic/Sernursky (Серну́рский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****lawsuit alleging Sernur (Сернур)
***with 15 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**internet meltdown Sovetsky District, Mari El Republic/Sovetsky (Сове́тский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****very symbol Sovetsky (Сове́тский)
***with 14 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**subtle attack Volzhsky District, Mari El Republic/Volzhsky (Во́лжский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****subject illegal Privolzhsky (Приво́лжский)
***with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**substitute essay Yurinsky District, Mari El Republic/Yurinsky (Юринский)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****worried with Yurino (Ю́рино)
***with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
**abuses of Zvenigovsky District, Mari El Republic/Zvenigovsky (Звени́говский)
***''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****witnesses if Zvenigovo (Звени́гово)
***''Urban settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction:
****Krasnogorsky (Красного́рский)
****Mochalishche (Моча́лище)
****Suslonger (Суслонгер)
***with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction
Tag: Republics of Russia/Mari El, Administrative division of